Course Description: Genetic differences between normal and disease states, molecular aspects of cancer progression, genetic basis of tissue type, theory and analysis of nucleic acid-based diagnostic and infectious disease tests. Quality assurance.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in the Post-Baccalaureate California State University Los Angeles Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist Training Program.
Program: Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist Certificate Program (CGMBS)
Program Curriculum: Download the CGMBS Information Packet here.
Units: 6 units
Eligibility: Program admission requirements for the Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist Certificate Program is a minimum of a bachelor's (baccalaureate) or an equivalent degree in biological or clinical laboratory science, or a field related to genetics, received by May of the year the internship begins. (This will be approved by the program director and accepted by the State of California for the purposes of licensure).
Course dates: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - Saturday, May 17, 2025
Course day(s)/time(s): Fridays from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Modality: Face-to-face
Location: 5151 State University Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90032, Room #: BIOS 236
Tuition: The per unit cost for the Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist Certificate Program for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is $675. The total cost of the CGMBS Certificate Program is $8,100. Please note that the total program cost does not include other related expenses in the program. The CGMBS Certificate Program has been approved as a Gainful Employment Program by the Department of Education. The Gainful Employment Disclosure for this program can be accessed here. Eligible trainees can apply for Federal Financial Aid to support them during the year that they are in the program.
Instructor: Lorraine Washburn
Instructor Email:
Next Offering Date: Spring 2025
Contact: For more information about the Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist Certificate Program, email Gloria Preza or call (323) 343-6065.
Registration Deadline:
Payment for intended courses must be paid in full at the time of registration, as installment plans are not available. For questions about registration or withdrawal/refunds, Contact PaGE Enrollment Services at