Full course description
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Course Description: The FE test preparation program is for qualified applicants who must register and pay for the FE examination through NCEES. Applicants must complete three years or more of postsecondary engineering education, three years or more of engineering experience (e.g., work of any nature with an engineering exposure, such as with a consulting engineering firm, a construction contractor, CALTRANS, the engineering division of a public utility, etc.), or a combination of postsecondary engineering education and experience in engineering totaling three years. University students in the 3rd quarter or the 2nd semester of their junior year qualify for certification.
Term Dates: Saturday, May 31st - Saturday, August 9, 2025
Course Day(s)/Time(s): Saturdays, 9 am - 4 pm
Modality: In-person
Location: Cal State LA Main Campus, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032
Instructor: Various; Dr. R. Purasinghe, Coordinator
Contact: For more information about the Computer Science Supplementary Authorization, please contact the Cal State LA Downtown Outreach & Recruitment Department at dtlaoutreach@calstatela.edu.
Registration Deadline: Payment for intended courses must be paid in full at the time of registration, as installment plans are not available. For questions about registration or withdrawal/refunds, Contact PaGE Enrollment Services at PaGEStudents@calstatela.edu.