Full course description
Course Description: The Pharmacy Technician Program is a comprehensive 50-hour course that will prepare students to work as a pharmacy technician in retail or other pharmacy settings. Students will also be prepared to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s PTCB exam. This course will explore the following: pharmacy medical terminology, the pharmacy practice in multiple environments, pharmacy calculations and measurements, reading and interpreting prescriptions, and defining drugs by generic and brand names. Program: Pharmacy Technician Program Hours: 50 hours Eligibility: This program is best suited for:
Course dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/07/2025 Meeting Schedule
Course day(s)/time(s): Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Modality: The Spring 2025 program will meet via Zoom on the listed times and dates. The instructor and participants will actively engage in live discussions and lectures. Location: Online Tuition: $1,399.00 (does not include required textbook) Instructor: Emille Gonzalez Instructor Email: emilleg@success.edu About the Instructor: Emille Gonzalez holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. She also received her certification as a Pharmacy Technician from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB). She has been in the pharmacy field since 1998 and worked with sterile and non-sterile compounding in the pharmacy, dispensing, and pharmacy billing as a technician supervisor and administrator in a variety of hospital pharmacy settings, including LA Metro Medical Center, Midway Medical Center, East LA Doctors Medical Center, Brotman Medical Center, and others. She started her career as an educator with Bryman College in 2004 as a Program Chair for their Pharmacy Technician Department and helped train many students to pass their PTCB exams and become Certified Pharmacy Technicians in the healthcare field. She continues to serve and teach in the pharmacy education profession and is currently pursuing her MBA degree in Healthcare Administration at Ashworth College to strengthen her skills as an administrator and educator. Next Offering Date: Summer 2025 Contact: For more information about the Pharmacy Technician Program, please contact the Cal State LA Downtown Outreach and Recruitment Department: dtlaoutreach@calstatela.edu. Registration Deadline: The registration and full payment must be received by 5:00PM on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, to ensure that you receive all program information before it begins. Payment for intended courses must be paid in full at the time of registration, as installment plans are not available. For questions about registration or withdrawal/refunds, Contact PaGE Enrollment Services at PaGEStudents@calstatela.edu. |