
The PRO Certificate Program

Time limit: 90 days

$500 Enroll

Full course description

Elevate Your Skills to Empower Youth! 


The Promote, Raise & Optimize (PRO)

Positive Youth Development Certificate Program 


The PRO Certificate Program applies to anyone serving young people between the ages of 10 and 25 years old and is designed to be a roadmap for “how” to build leading practices from the Positive Youth Development (PYD) Framework and other science-based fields into programming while also attending to varying levels of vulnerability to risk. It purposefully addresses a long-standing gap in delivering PYD driven programming to young people who are vulnerable to risk for problem behaviors such as (but not limited to) substance abuse, gang membership, delinquency, and/or violence. 


Anyone engaging with and passionate about serving young people between the ages of 10 and 25! This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Community-based prevention and intervention program providers
  • Credible messengers 
  • Afterschool program staff, Out-of-School Time (OST) activity staff and youth sports coaches
  • Professionals in social work, education, mental health, child welfare, and juvenile justice settings 
  • Students pursuing careers in any of these areas


  • Click the "$500 Enroll Now" button at the top of the page.
  • Fill out the form fields, then click "Register New Account".
  • On the Checkout screen, enter code SPOPU9 in the "Promotion Code(s)" box then click Apply.
    • This will reduce your total to $0 so that you can complete your registration and access the course content immediately.
  • Our Enrollment Services team will contact you at the email address provided during registration with instructions on how to submit your tuition payment.
  • Please note that payment will be due in full no later than January 24, 2025.


  • Grounded in cutting-edge practices to foster thriving among young people
  • Uses interactive content, animations and videos to illustrate leading practices in the field
  • Provides access to downloadable, step-by-step guides to activate intentional skill-building for young people
  • Introduces innovative and measurable strategies to capture and improve program effectiveness
  • Receive a non-credit Certificate of Completion from Cal State LA's College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE)


  • Format: 100% online and self-paced
  • Time to Completion:
    • Approximately 15-20 hours to complete all five (5) modules
    • Learners have three (3) months from the time of enrollment to complete all modules
  • Cost: $500
  • Requirements: High school diploma/GED is recommended but is not required


Please see "The PRO Certificate Program" website for more information about the program and dates/times for live Information Sessions. If you have more questions, pelase contact us at: